Following the completion of our assessment by Investors in People, we are delighted to announce we have, once again, been awarded the ‘We invest in people, gold accreditation’.
This achievement, which is received by only 17% of Investors in People-accredited organisations, recognises our commitment to making our organisation a great place to work, and that all of our employees have pushed towards making this commitment a reality.
Phil Beach, CEO, said: “We are delighted that Energy & Utility Skills has been awarded a ‘We Invest in People Gold Accreditation’.
“With only 17% of accredited organisations achieving gold status, this award recognises the team’s ongoing commitment to making Energy and Utility Skills a brilliant place to work.
External validation like this from Investors in People is an endorsement of our work and reflects our determination to employ best business practice and strive for people management excellence.”
Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Energy & Utility Skills for achieving Gold accreditation on ‘We invest in people’ for the second time.
“This is a fantastic effort for any organisation, and places Energy & Utility Skills in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”