National Water Hygiene (NWH) Trainer Briefings
We are over half-way through the Trainer Briefings we are holding for the redeveloped NWH scheme, with over 300 trainers already having attended or booked to attend a briefing.
Attending a briefing is mandatory in order to maintain your Trainer Approval. Non-attendance will result in your approval being removed.
There are still a number of dates and times available. So, if you haven’t already booked on to a trainer briefing session, please do so by clicking here.
National Water Hygiene (NWH) Training Materials
We would also like to inform you of key information with regards to the delivery of the new and old NWH materials:
- From 25 March the new NWH 2019 materials and tests will be available to use
- Only NWH trainers who have attended a briefing are approved to deliver the new NWH 2019 materials
- From 25 March, both new NWH 2019 materials and tests and old NWH 2015 materials and tests will be available for delivery in QuartzWeb
- Between Tuesday 26 March and Friday 3 May, the EUSR team will still process paper-based registrations. All registrations arising from courses booked from a trainer device must be submitted by the current paper-based system.
- At midnight Friday 12th April trainer devices will be retired
- At midnight Friday 12th April the old NWH 2015 materials will no longer be available on QuartzWeb or to deliver
- Friday 10th May will be the last date you can register any individual who has sat the old NWH 2015 materials
Find Out More
If you have any further questions regarding the Trainer Briefings or NWH materials, please contact the EUSR Support team, Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 5.00pm, on Tel: 0845 077 99 22 or Email: