Safe Control of Operations Scheme Review and Redevelopment

Safe Control of Operations (SCO) Scheme Review and Redevelopment

Our SCO scheme (SCO 1, 2, 4 and 5) for the safe control of gas operations for the Gas Networks and Independent Gas Transporters is now formally being reviewed and redeveloped.

Safe Control of Operations (SCO) Scheme Review and Redevelopment

Our SCO scheme (SCO 1, 2, 4 and 5) for the safe control of gas operations for the Gas Networks and Independent Gas Transporters is now formally being reviewed and redeveloped as a part of the revision and update of the IGEM/GL/6 document.

The redevelopment will take place over the Summer 2019 with the revised scheme documents being completed by the Autumn.  Following this, all existing SCO trainers will be being retrained/refreshed, face to face during November and December 2019. Trainer registrations will then be added to EUSR in relation to the revised scheme.

SCO Trainers will commence delivering the revised scheme from January 2020 to new SCO individuals.

Individuals’ existing SCO registrations will be refreshed via an update plus e-learning exercise administered through Energy & Utility Skills’ CBL system. (An exception to this model may be Wales & West Utilities who wish to deliver the update/exercise via a face to face event for engineers.) In this respect, existing SCO registrations will be ‘converted’ and updated on EUSR against the revised scheme, protecting existing SCO registration dates

Energy & Utility Skills is also intending to work with the network companies to re-visit, update and quality assure the existing network CBL renewal system/other renewal arrangements (ie in relation to Wales & West Utilities), so that, from a specified date from 2020, it can be put in place to deliver revised SCO scheme renewal.

Find Out More

We will inform you further of the detail on the review and redevelopment of SCO once the work is underway.  In the meantime, If you have any questions regarding the redevelopment of the revised SCO scheme, please contact the EUSR Support team, Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 5.00pm, on Tel: 0845 077 99 22 or Email: