Published on: March 16, 2020 at 11:53 AM
Energy & Utility Skills works across the UK, bringing together the gas, power, water and waste management industries and their key stakeholders.
In response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak and in support of ongoing public health guidance, we have implemented changes to the way that we work in order to protect the wellbeing of our employees and the individuals and organisations that we work with.
Our current approach is:
Energy & Utility Skills Office – In line with the current government and health guidance, our offices remain open for business and all core services provided for our sector continue. If you do attend our site, you will be provided with full guidance to follow during your time with us.
Business Travel – For now, all Energy & Utility Skills employees have been instructed to only undertake business travel where it is critical, and to do so in line with government guidance. This may restrict our ability to meet you in person, but full business continuity processes exist so that we have many other means of communication available e.g. conference and video calls.
Conferences & External Events – For now, our employees are unable to attend external conferences or to be part of group events with third parties.
Hosted Meetings – Any Energy & Utility Skills meetings and events you may have been invited to in the coming month(s) are at risk of being moved to virtual methods, postponed or cancelled.
We will give as much advance notice as possible for meetings and events that will be delivered virtually, postponed or cancelled. Please check with your meeting organiser for confirmation. If you do attend our site, you will be provided with full guidance to follow during your time with us.
These changes take place with immediate effect, and Energy & Utility Skills will continue to evaluate the situation and provide updates as appropriate. Please do contact us if you have any specific questions or enquiries on 0121 745 1310 or email
Whilst this is a modification to our usual closely integrated way of working across our industries, these changes complement those underway across our business partners.
Many utility-based organisations are asking their employees not to travel or take part in person in group events, and so our belief is that through partnership and technology, we can ensure that the important decisions continue, and the flow of best practice and intelligence is maintained. Please be reassured that we continue to provide and deliver the products and services which are beneficial and essential to our members and customers.
Our sincere thanks for your help and understanding in this matter.