The Safe Control of Operations (SCO) scheme is for all gas industry personnel involved in operational works on the Gas Networks and certain types of Meter Installations including, but not strictly limited to, individuals who are or will become:
- Named Authorising Engineers or
- Named Competent Persons for Routine and Non-Routine Operations
For re-registration on EUSR, individuals must be re-assessed to ensure that they have maintained their specific knowledge in areas such as “Permits to Work” as well as kept up-to-date on underpinning knowledge in areas such as new policy and legislation. Evidence is required for verification by EUSR that the individual has completed the relevant training and assessment for the registration categories applied for.
Safe Control of Operations (GB) – SCO (GB) – provides a framework to support safe and legally compliant working practices on gas networks in both routine (RO) and non-routine operations (NRO). This scheme enables individuals employed by the gas distribution networks to become a named Competent Person (CP) or an Authorising Engineer (AE) for both Permits to Work and Forms of Authority, depending on their role in their employing organisation.
The SCO (GB) registration categories are as follows:
- SCO 1 & 2: Competent Persons (RO) Team Leader
- SCO 1 & 2: Authorising Engineers and Competent Persons (NRO Supervisory level)
- SCO 4: Authorising Engineers and Competent Persons (NRO)
- SCO 4 & 5: Authorising Engineers and Competent Persons (NRO)
- SCO 5: Authorising Engineers and Competent Persons (RO)
The employing organisation’s Responsible Engineers decides the individual role (e.g. Authorising Engineer) and work type (e.g. Network >2bar -7bar) is correctly identified. For example, an individual may have a role as an Authorising Engineer for Permits to Work and Routine Operations but limited to Competent Person for Non-Routine Operations, in which case they would be expected to complete SCO 1 & 2 Authorising Engineers and Competent Persons plus SCO 4 & 5 AEs and CPs.
Each registration category for SCO (GB) registration is valid for 5 years. For re-registration on EUSR, individuals must be re-assessed to ensure that they have maintained their specific knowledge in areas such as “Permits to Work” as well as kept up-to-date on underpinning knowledge in areas such as new policy and legislation. Evidence is required for verification by EUSR that the individual has completed the relevant training and assessment for the registration category.
The reassessment method varies dependent upon which network is being worked on. Please contact the appropriate Network Controller for further information.
SCO (GB) registration does not confirm competence to carry out a task or particular role. It is designed to provide evidence that an individual has attended the relevant training course and demonstrated an appropriate level of knowledge and awareness.
You will only receive your card once the Registration Renewal Form has been received and verified.
Once completed, please return the form to us by email to eusr@euskills.co.uk
Please select the ‘Debit/Credit card’ option in the form, to confirm that you have made payment online.
For further information and any other queries regarding EUSR, you can contact our support team, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, via email or on 0121 745 1310.
Virtual and Smart Cards
From February 2022, all new EUSR registrations will have a ‘virtual’ card as standard – though some employers may pay £2 for an additional plastic smart card. To access your virtual card, we will need your mobile phone number – work or personal mobile. Later in 2022, we are extending virtual cards to all other ‘live’ EUSR registrations – but again, you can only gain access if we have your mobile phone number.
To submit your mobile number please complete our simple online form.